3.3.2024: Settlers block Umm-Al-Kheir Family’s Car, then shatter Windshield

Umm-Al-Kheir is in the northeast corner of Massafer Yatta. Even in “ordinary” Occupation times, it is more exposed than other villages to settler and military harassment, due to its location right under Carmel – the region’s first Israeli settlement established on expropriated Umm-Al-Kheir lands – and near a major regional junction. A larger map of Massafer Yatta can be found here. To see the broader surroundings, go to B’Tselem’s interactive map and zoom towards the very south of the West Bank.

Since the outbreak of the war, freedom of movement has been extremely limited for Massafer Yatta residents. Most of the localities are under siege, the roads are blocked, the Israeli army has confiscated and destroyed hundreds of vehicles, and the settlers harass the residents who have not left.

This is why Maryam, our friend from Umm al-Kheir, was delighted when her brother invited her to visit their mother near Hebron. On Sunday March 3, 2024, her brother picked up Maryam and her four children – the oldest seven and the youngest half a year old – and they drove to visit the mother. On their way back they even stopped at a supermarket on the outskirts of Yatta town.

At 8:30 p.m., just before entering their own village, an Israeli vehicle stood on the road and signaled them to stop. The brother slowed down, and they immediately felt a strong impact. A rock was thrown at their car, penetrated the windshield and wounded the brother. The rest, including the baby, were covered with glass smithereens.

They continued driving and reached an army checkpoint. Rattled and distraught, they told the soldiers what had taken place just hundreds of meters from there, but the soldiers did nothing: “These throwers must have sped away, what can one do…” Just try to imagine the soldier’s reaction, had a rock been thrown at an Israeli car near them…

On Monday morning we visited them. Maryam said her eldest son is very scared and refuses to sleep alone. Erella took out a coloring notebook and pencils, and sat down to draw with him.

Erella asked A.: Were you scared when it happened? -Yes.

And you’re still scared? -Yes.

You’re scared at night? -Yes.

What do you do with this scare? – I send it off to Allah, the child answered.

That’s a great idea, Erella said. Allah will probably know how to deal with it,
and you will have a bit less of a scare.

Ya’ir, on behalf of the Villages Group

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